

The cache helpers query hooks wrap the mutation hooks of the cache libraries and automatically populate the cache across your app.

When the mutation returns, all items currently in the cache are decoded and analyzed to see if they are affected by the mutation. If so, the cache is updated accordingly. Note that this supports list queries, and respects all filters, ordering and range settings of the respective query. For example, if your mutation returns

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "has_golden_ticket": true

and you have a query like this:

  .eq("has_golden_ticket", true)
  .order("name", { ascending: true })
  .range(0, 10);

then the cache will be upserted to contain the new item at the correct position in the list. This also works with relations and aliases.

Note that the cache would not be updated if the returned item does not contain has_golden_ticket, because the query requires this field to be true. To not force you to manually ensure that the mutation returns all columns queries from that table across your app, the cache helpers defaults to querying all columns that are currently present in the cache. For example, if you mutate with

const { trigger: insert } = useInsertMutation(

the select statement of your query will be expanded to include has_golden_ticket, because this is what the query above filters on. The mutation function will still return name only, but the full object is passed internally when updating the cache. This is the default behavior to ensure that instant cache updates always work. You can opt-out for a mutation by passing disableAutoQuery: true.

If you need to revalidate additional cache items that are not automatically inferred, e.g. relations of the updated table, you can set revalidateTables and revalidateRelations on any mutation:

declare type PostgrestMutatorOpts<Type> = {
   * Will set all keys of the tables to stale
  revalidateTables?: {
    schema?: string;
    table: string;
   * Will set all keys of the tables where relation.relationIdColumn === mutatedObj.fKeyColumn to stale
  revalidateRelations?: {
    schema?: string;
    relation: string;
    relationIdColumn: string;
    fKeyColumn: keyof Type;


Insert entities. Will also update the count if applicable. Note that hook requires the user to define the primary keys of the relation, because the items are upserted to the cache to prevent duplicates, e.g. if a subscription is used in parallel.

import { useInsertMutation } from '@supabase-cache-helpers/postgrest-swr'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { Database } from './types'
const client = createClient<Database>(
function Page() {
  const { trigger: insert } = useInsertMutation(
      onSuccess: () => console.log('Success!'),
  return <div>...</div>;


Update an entity. Requires the primary keys to be defined explicitly.

import { useUpdateMutation } from '@supabase-cache-helpers/postgrest-swr'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { Database } from './types'
const client = createClient<Database>(
function Page() {
  const { trigger: update } = useUpdateMutation(
      onSuccess: () => console.log('Success!'),
  return <div>...</div>;


Upsert entities. Requires the primary keys to be defined explicitly. Will also increment the count if an item is inserted.

import { useUpsertMutation } from '@supabase-cache-helpers/postgrest-swr'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { Database } from './types'
const client = createClient<Database>(
function Page() {
  const { trigger: upsert } = useUpsertMutation(
      onSuccess: () => console.log('Success!'),
  return <div>...</div>;


Delete an item by primary key(s). Requires the primary keys to be defined explicitly. Will also update the count of the queries.

import { useDeleteMutation } from '@supabase-cache-helpers/postgrest-swr'
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
import { Database } from './types'
const client = createClient<Database>(
function Page() {
  const { trigger: delete } = useDeleteMutation(
      onSuccess: () => console.log('Success!'),
  return <div>...</div>;